Saturday, February 17, 2007

Well, the Lunar New Year celebration has begun! It's the Year of the Pig and we're glad - it'll be a good year!

"THE YEAR OF THE PIG 2007 Eat, drink, and be merry. Then do it again. The year of the Pig begins on the new moon of February 17th, 2007. (This exact new Moon occurs at 8:38 PM Pacific Time.) Pig year is a time of fun and self indulgence. Ease and enjoyment of life are valued more than power and status. We can be kinder to each other in our everyday interactions and feel little need for competition. Harmony, peace, understanding, and good fellowship are valued. Money is spent on luxuries such as extravagant vacations, sumptuous meals, and fine clothing. It is easy to become content and satisfied, ignoring the bills that accumulate during Pig year. The following Rat year 2008 will be time to face reality after Pig year indulgences, so enjoy now while the enjoying is good."

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